The Best of the Best
For years, we’ve been known for facilitating business writing seminars, including The Write Start and Email Success. While we’ll continue to offer these seminars to clients who request them, we’ve redirected our company to focus on three services we consider The Best of the Best.
Why are they The Best of the Best?
Making a Difference
Feedback from clients proves our impact on performance, on sales, on productivity and on company image.
Standing Out in the Crowd
While nothing may be truly unique, our peers don’t provide exactly what we do.
Superior Quality
We have high personal standards, and these services reflect what we value.

Power Coaching
When sales managers actually COACH in the coaching reports they write after field visits, reps improve their performance.
When managers focus on desired outcomes more than past activities, everyone wins.
Private Consultations
When business documents move from Good to Great, people pay attention.